What an agile organization is? 

An agile organization is an organization that is swift in responding to the dynamism in the marketplace or environment. 

An agile organization is a customer-centric organization.

An agile organization combines velocity and adaptability to deliver on promises to their stakeholders

The pillars of an Agile organization

  • People
  • Process
  • Technology

Owners of businesses must be involved in people’s management from the hiring process, and communication of strategic purpose to measuring performance and keeping the team motivated.

Agile organization requires agile people 


Awareness – your people must be aware of the strategic goal or objective or direction of the organization or project 

Desire – they must be interested in participating and providing support(character) 

Knowledge – they must know how (competency) 

Ability –they must possess the desired skills and behaviors (capacity) 

Reinforcement – they must be able to sustain the change (mindset)


A process is a series of actions, steps, or events that need to happen or occur in order to achieve a particular goal. your people will only be effective with processes in place to support their decisions.


  • Lean: Lean Six Sigma is a quality management tool, and the aim is to reduce waste. These are the five lean leadership principles
  • Work: Work for the customer (be customer-centric)
  • Identify: Identify the problem and focus on it
  • Remove: Remove variation and bottlenecks 
  • Communicate: Communicate early and train members
  • Be: Be flexible and responsive

While technology has helped organizations to leverage, it’s a leveler based on all its abilities and possibilities, technology alone does not solve problems. It can not make existing problems go away without the people and processes around to support it.

Special consideration must always be given to the ease of implementation and the cost of implementation.


  1. Put stakeholders’ values at the center of your decision 
  2. Make it simplify the process
  3. It must be designed for flexibility and speed
  4. Ensure you choose the right partner


‘Agility is the ability to adapt and respond to change. Agile organizations view change as an opportunity, not a threat”. 

Jim Highsmith Charles Darwin also stated that “it is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent but the one most responsive to change”.

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Posted By Eko Innovation Centre